Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 134217728 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 1449984 bytes) in /home/tce/tce2024_preprod/vendor/symfony/http-kernel/Profiler/FileProfilerStorage.php on line 316
Error: Allowed memory size of 134217728 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 1449984 bytes) (500 Internal Server Error)

Symfony Exception


HTTP 500 Internal Server Error

Error: Allowed memory size of 134217728 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 1449984 bytes)


Symfony\Component\ErrorHandler\Error\ OutOfMemoryError

Show exception properties
Symfony\Component\ErrorHandler\Error\OutOfMemoryError {#43792
  -error: array:4 [
    "type" => 1
    "message" => "Allowed memory size of 134217728 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 1449984 bytes)"
    "file" => "/home/tce/tce2024_preprod/vendor/symfony/http-kernel/Profiler/FileProfilerStorage.php"
    "line" => 316
  1.         $data stream_get_contents($h);
  2.         flock($h\LOCK_UN);
  3.         fclose($h);
  4.         if (\function_exists('gzdecode')) {
  5.             $data = @gzdecode($data) ?: $data;
  6.         }
  7.         if (!$data unserialize($data)) {
  8.             return null;
  9.         }

Logs 2

Level Channel Message
INFO 16:57:48 deprecation User Deprecated: Since symfony/templating 6.4: "Symfony\Component\Templating\Helper\HelperInterface" is deprecated since version 6.4 and will be removed in 7.0. Use Twig instead.
    "exception": {}
INFO 16:57:48 deprecation User Deprecated: Since symfony/templating 6.4: "Symfony\Component\Templating\Helper\Helper" is deprecated since version 6.4 and will be removed in 7.0. Use Twig instead.
    "exception": {}
INFO 16:57:48 request Matched route "_profiler".
    "route": "_profiler",
    "route_parameters": {
        "_route": "_profiler",
        "_controller": "web_profiler.controller.profiler::panelAction",
        "token": "7d1d04"
    "request_uri": "https://tce2024.bcubix.fr/_profiler/7d1d04",
    "method": "GET"
INFO 16:57:48 deprecation User Deprecated: In ORM 3.0, the AttributeDriver will report fields for the classes where they are declared. This may uncover invalid mapping configurations. To opt into the new mode today, set the "reportFieldsWhereDeclared" constructor parameter to true. (AttributeDriver.php:82 called by App_KernelDevDebugContainer.php:2460, https://github.com/doctrine/orm/pull/10455, package doctrine/orm)
    "exception": {}
INFO 16:57:48 deprecation User Deprecated: Since symfony/framework-bundle 6.4: The "annotations.cached_reader" service is deprecated without replacement.
    "exception": {}
INFO 16:57:48 deprecation User Deprecated: Since symfony/framework-bundle 6.4: The "annotations.reader" service is deprecated without replacement.
    "exception": {}
INFO 16:57:48 deprecation User Deprecated: Since symfony/framework-bundle 6.4: The "annotations.cache_adapter" service is deprecated without replacement.
    "exception": {}
INFO 16:57:48 deprecation User Deprecated: The annotation mapping driver is deprecated and will be removed in Doctrine ORM 3.0, please migrate to the attribute or XML driver. (AnnotationDriver.php:71 called by App_KernelDevDebugContainer.php:2450, https://github.com/doctrine/orm/issues/10098, package doctrine/orm)
    "exception": {}
INFO 16:57:48 deprecation User Deprecated: Not enabling lazy ghost objects is deprecated and will not be supported in Doctrine ORM 3.0. Ensure Doctrine\ORM\Configuration::setLazyGhostObjectEnabled(true) is called to enable them. (ProxyFactory.php:169 called by EntityManager.php:182, https://github.com/doctrine/orm/pull/10837/, package doctrine/orm)
    "exception": {}
INFO 16:57:48 deprecation User Deprecated: Version detection logic for MySQL will change in DBAL 4. Please specify the version as the server reports it, e.g. "10.9.3-MariaDB" instead of "mariadb-10.9". (AbstractMySQLDriver.php:154 called by AbstractMySQLDriver.php:42, https://github.com/doctrine/dbal/pull/5779, package doctrine/orm)
    "exception": {}
INFO 16:57:48 deprecation User Deprecated: Since symfony/doctrine-bridge 6.3: Registering "App\EventSubscriber\Admin\DoctrineSubscriber" as a Doctrine subscriber is deprecated. Register it as a listener instead, using e.g. the #[AsDoctrineListener] or #[AsDocumentListener] attribute.
    "exception": {}
INFO 16:57:48 doctrine Connecting with parameters {params}
    "params": {
        "driver": "pdo_mysql",
        "host": "",
        "port": 3306,
        "user": "tce2024_preprod",
        "password": "<redacted>",
        "driverOptions": [],
        "defaultTableOptions": [],
        "dbname": "tce2024_preprod",
        "serverVersion": "mariadb-10.5.18",
        "charset": "utf8mb4"
DEBUG 16:57:48 doctrine Executing query: SELECT h0_.id AS id_0, h0_.name AS name_1, h0_.classname AS classname_2, h0_.position AS position_3, h0_.display_hook AS display_hook_4, h0_.module_id AS module_id_5 FROM hook h0_ ORDER BY h0_.name ASC, h0_.position ASC
    "sql": "SELECT h0_.id AS id_0, h0_.name AS name_1, h0_.classname AS classname_2, h0_.position AS position_3, h0_.display_hook AS display_hook_4, h0_.module_id AS module_id_5 FROM hook h0_ ORDER BY h0_.name ASC, h0_.position ASC"
INFO 16:57:48 deprecation User Deprecated: Method Doctrine\ORM\Event\LifecycleEventArgs::getEntity() is deprecated and will be removed in Doctrine ORM 3.0. Use getObject() instead. (LifecycleEventArgs.php:49 called by DoctrineSubscriber.php:81, https://github.com/doctrine/orm/issues/9875, package doctrine/orm)
    "exception": {}
DEBUG 16:57:48 doctrine Executing statement: SELECT t0.created_at AS created_at_1, t0.updated_at AS updated_at_2, t0.active AS active_3, t0.id AS id_4, t0.name AS name_5 FROM module t0 WHERE t0.id = ? (parameters: {params}, types: {types})
    "sql": "SELECT t0.created_at AS created_at_1, t0.updated_at AS updated_at_2, t0.active AS active_3, t0.id AS id_4, t0.name AS name_5 FROM module t0 WHERE t0.id = ?",
    "params": {
        "1": 44
    "types": {
        "1": 1
DEBUG 16:57:48 doctrine Executing statement: SELECT h0_.id AS id_0, h0_.name AS name_1, h0_.classname AS classname_2, h0_.position AS position_3, h0_.display_hook AS display_hook_4, h0_.module_id AS module_id_5 FROM hook h0_ INNER JOIN module m1_ ON h0_.module_id = m1_.id WHERE m1_.name = ? AND h0_.name = ? (parameters: {params}, types: {types})
    "sql": "SELECT h0_.id AS id_0, h0_.name AS name_1, h0_.classname AS classname_2, h0_.position AS position_3, h0_.display_hook AS display_hook_4, h0_.module_id AS module_id_5 FROM hook h0_ INNER JOIN module m1_ ON h0_.module_id = m1_.id WHERE m1_.name = ? AND h0_.name = ?",
    "params": {
        "1": "TceModule",
        "2": "actionEventCategoryFormPreSetData"
    "types": {
        "1": 2,
        "2": 2
DEBUG 16:57:48 doctrine Executing statement: SELECT h0_.id AS id_0, h0_.name AS name_1, h0_.classname AS classname_2, h0_.position AS position_3, h0_.display_hook AS display_hook_4, h0_.module_id AS module_id_5 FROM hook h0_ INNER JOIN module m1_ ON h0_.module_id = m1_.id WHERE m1_.name = ? AND h0_.name = ? (parameters: {params}, types: {types})
    "sql": "SELECT h0_.id AS id_0, h0_.name AS name_1, h0_.classname AS classname_2, h0_.position AS position_3, h0_.display_hook AS display_hook_4, h0_.module_id AS module_id_5 FROM hook h0_ INNER JOIN module m1_ ON h0_.module_id = m1_.id WHERE m1_.name = ? AND h0_.name = ?",
    "params": {
        "1": "TceModule",
        "2": "actionEventFormPreSetData"
    "types": {
        "1": 2,
        "2": 2
DEBUG 16:57:48 doctrine Executing statement: SELECT h0_.id AS id_0, h0_.name AS name_1, h0_.classname AS classname_2, h0_.position AS position_3, h0_.display_hook AS display_hook_4, h0_.module_id AS module_id_5 FROM hook h0_ INNER JOIN module m1_ ON h0_.module_id = m1_.id WHERE m1_.name = ? AND h0_.name = ? (parameters: {params}, types: {types})
    "sql": "SELECT h0_.id AS id_0, h0_.name AS name_1, h0_.classname AS classname_2, h0_.position AS position_3, h0_.display_hook AS display_hook_4, h0_.module_id AS module_id_5 FROM hook h0_ INNER JOIN module m1_ ON h0_.module_id = m1_.id WHERE m1_.name = ? AND h0_.name = ?",
    "params": {
        "1": "TceModule",
        "2": "actionEventMediaFormPreSetData"
    "types": {
        "1": 2,
        "2": 2
DEBUG 16:57:48 doctrine Executing statement: SELECT h0_.id AS id_0, h0_.name AS name_1, h0_.classname AS classname_2, h0_.position AS position_3, h0_.display_hook AS display_hook_4, h0_.module_id AS module_id_5 FROM hook h0_ INNER JOIN module m1_ ON h0_.module_id = m1_.id WHERE m1_.name = ? AND h0_.name = ? (parameters: {params}, types: {types})
    "sql": "SELECT h0_.id AS id_0, h0_.name AS name_1, h0_.classname AS classname_2, h0_.position AS position_3, h0_.display_hook AS display_hook_4, h0_.module_id AS module_id_5 FROM hook h0_ INNER JOIN module m1_ ON h0_.module_id = m1_.id WHERE m1_.name = ? AND h0_.name = ?",
    "params": {
        "1": "TceModule",
        "2": "actionEventPriceFormPreSetData"
    "types": {
        "1": 2,
        "2": 2
DEBUG 16:57:48 doctrine Executing statement: SELECT h0_.id AS id_0, h0_.name AS name_1, h0_.classname AS classname_2, h0_.position AS position_3, h0_.display_hook AS display_hook_4, h0_.module_id AS module_id_5 FROM hook h0_ INNER JOIN module m1_ ON h0_.module_id = m1_.id WHERE m1_.name = ? AND h0_.name = ? (parameters: {params}, types: {types})
    "sql": "SELECT h0_.id AS id_0, h0_.name AS name_1, h0_.classname AS classname_2, h0_.position AS position_3, h0_.display_hook AS display_hook_4, h0_.module_id AS module_id_5 FROM hook h0_ INNER JOIN module m1_ ON h0_.module_id = m1_.id WHERE m1_.name = ? AND h0_.name = ?",
    "params": {
        "1": "TceModule",
        "2": "actionMediaFormPreSetData"
    "types": {
        "1": 2,
        "2": 2
DEBUG 16:57:48 doctrine Executing statement: SELECT h0_.id AS id_0, h0_.name AS name_1, h0_.classname AS classname_2, h0_.position AS position_3, h0_.display_hook AS display_hook_4, h0_.module_id AS module_id_5 FROM hook h0_ INNER JOIN module m1_ ON h0_.module_id = m1_.id WHERE m1_.name = ? AND h0_.name = ? (parameters: {params}, types: {types})
    "sql": "SELECT h0_.id AS id_0, h0_.name AS name_1, h0_.classname AS classname_2, h0_.position AS position_3, h0_.display_hook AS display_hook_4, h0_.module_id AS module_id_5 FROM hook h0_ INNER JOIN module m1_ ON h0_.module_id = m1_.id WHERE m1_.name = ? AND h0_.name = ?",
    "params": {
        "1": "TceModule",
        "2": "actionMenuEntryFormPreSetData"
    "types": {
        "1": 2,
        "2": 2
DEBUG 16:57:48 doctrine Executing statement: SELECT h0_.id AS id_0, h0_.name AS name_1, h0_.classname AS classname_2, h0_.position AS position_3, h0_.display_hook AS display_hook_4, h0_.module_id AS module_id_5 FROM hook h0_ INNER JOIN module m1_ ON h0_.module_id = m1_.id WHERE m1_.name = ? AND h0_.name = ? (parameters: {params}, types: {types})
    "sql": "SELECT h0_.id AS id_0, h0_.name AS name_1, h0_.classname AS classname_2, h0_.position AS position_3, h0_.display_hook AS display_hook_4, h0_.module_id AS module_id_5 FROM hook h0_ INNER JOIN module m1_ ON h0_.module_id = m1_.id WHERE m1_.name = ? AND h0_.name = ?",
    "params": {
        "1": "TceModule",
        "2": "actionPageFormPreSetData"
    "types": {
        "1": 2,
        "2": 2
DEBUG 16:57:48 doctrine Executing statement: SELECT h0_.id AS id_0, h0_.name AS name_1, h0_.classname AS classname_2, h0_.position AS position_3, h0_.display_hook AS display_hook_4, h0_.module_id AS module_id_5 FROM hook h0_ INNER JOIN module m1_ ON h0_.module_id = m1_.id WHERE m1_.name = ? AND h0_.name = ? (parameters: {params}, types: {types})
    "sql": "SELECT h0_.id AS id_0, h0_.name AS name_1, h0_.classname AS classname_2, h0_.position AS position_3, h0_.display_hook AS display_hook_4, h0_.module_id AS module_id_5 FROM hook h0_ INNER JOIN module m1_ ON h0_.module_id = m1_.id WHERE m1_.name = ? AND h0_.name = ?",
    "params": {
        "1": "TceModule",
        "2": "actionSeasonFormPreSetData"
    "types": {
        "1": 2,
        "2": 2
DEBUG 16:57:48 doctrine Executing statement: SELECT h0_.id AS id_0, h0_.name AS name_1, h0_.classname AS classname_2, h0_.position AS position_3, h0_.display_hook AS display_hook_4, h0_.module_id AS module_id_5 FROM hook h0_ INNER JOIN module m1_ ON h0_.module_id = m1_.id WHERE m1_.name = ? AND h0_.name = ? (parameters: {params}, types: {types})
    "sql": "SELECT h0_.id AS id_0, h0_.name AS name_1, h0_.classname AS classname_2, h0_.position AS position_3, h0_.display_hook AS display_hook_4, h0_.module_id AS module_id_5 FROM hook h0_ INNER JOIN module m1_ ON h0_.module_id = m1_.id WHERE m1_.name = ? AND h0_.name = ?",
    "params": {
        "1": "TceModule",
        "2": "actionSeatingPlanFormPreSetData"
    "types": {
        "1": 2,
        "2": 2
DEBUG 16:57:48 doctrine Executing statement: SELECT h0_.id AS id_0, h0_.name AS name_1, h0_.classname AS classname_2, h0_.position AS position_3, h0_.display_hook AS display_hook_4, h0_.module_id AS module_id_5 FROM hook h0_ INNER JOIN module m1_ ON h0_.module_id = m1_.id WHERE m1_.name = ? AND h0_.name = ? (parameters: {params}, types: {types})
    "sql": "SELECT h0_.id AS id_0, h0_.name AS name_1, h0_.classname AS classname_2, h0_.position AS position_3, h0_.display_hook AS display_hook_4, h0_.module_id AS module_id_5 FROM hook h0_ INNER JOIN module m1_ ON h0_.module_id = m1_.id WHERE m1_.name = ? AND h0_.name = ?",
    "params": {
        "1": "TceModule",
        "2": "actionTagFormPreSetData"
    "types": {
        "1": 2,
        "2": 2
DEBUG 16:57:48 doctrine Executing statement: SELECT h0_.id AS id_0, h0_.name AS name_1, h0_.classname AS classname_2, h0_.position AS position_3, h0_.display_hook AS display_hook_4, h0_.module_id AS module_id_5 FROM hook h0_ INNER JOIN module m1_ ON h0_.module_id = m1_.id WHERE m1_.name = ? AND h0_.name = ? (parameters: {params}, types: {types})
    "sql": "SELECT h0_.id AS id_0, h0_.name AS name_1, h0_.classname AS classname_2, h0_.position AS position_3, h0_.display_hook AS display_hook_4, h0_.module_id AS module_id_5 FROM hook h0_ INNER JOIN module m1_ ON h0_.module_id = m1_.id WHERE m1_.name = ? AND h0_.name = ?",
    "params": {
        "1": "TceModule",
        "2": "displayHomeContent"
    "types": {
        "1": 2,
        "2": 2
DEBUG 16:57:48 doctrine Executing statement: SELECT t0.created_at AS created_at_1, t0.updated_at AS updated_at_2, t0.active AS active_3, t0.id AS id_4, t0.name AS name_5 FROM module t0 WHERE t0.id = ? (parameters: {params}, types: {types})
    "sql": "SELECT t0.created_at AS created_at_1, t0.updated_at AS updated_at_2, t0.active AS active_3, t0.id AS id_4, t0.name AS name_5 FROM module t0 WHERE t0.id = ?",
    "params": {
        "1": 41
    "types": {
        "1": 1
DEBUG 16:57:48 doctrine Executing statement: SELECT h0_.id AS id_0, h0_.name AS name_1, h0_.classname AS classname_2, h0_.position AS position_3, h0_.display_hook AS display_hook_4, h0_.module_id AS module_id_5 FROM hook h0_ INNER JOIN module m1_ ON h0_.module_id = m1_.id WHERE m1_.name = ? AND h0_.name = ? (parameters: {params}, types: {types})
    "sql": "SELECT h0_.id AS id_0, h0_.name AS name_1, h0_.classname AS classname_2, h0_.position AS position_3, h0_.display_hook AS display_hook_4, h0_.module_id AS module_id_5 FROM hook h0_ INNER JOIN module m1_ ON h0_.module_id = m1_.id WHERE m1_.name = ? AND h0_.name = ?",
    "params": {
        "1": "FlashInfo",
        "2": "displayHomeContent"
    "types": {
        "1": 2,
        "2": 2
DEBUG 16:57:48 doctrine Executing statement: SELECT h0_.id AS id_0, h0_.name AS name_1, h0_.classname AS classname_2, h0_.position AS position_3, h0_.display_hook AS display_hook_4, h0_.module_id AS module_id_5 FROM hook h0_ INNER JOIN module m1_ ON h0_.module_id = m1_.id WHERE m1_.name = ? AND h0_.name = ? (parameters: {params}, types: {types})
    "sql": "SELECT h0_.id AS id_0, h0_.name AS name_1, h0_.classname AS classname_2, h0_.position AS position_3, h0_.display_hook AS display_hook_4, h0_.module_id AS module_id_5 FROM hook h0_ INNER JOIN module m1_ ON h0_.module_id = m1_.id WHERE m1_.name = ? AND h0_.name = ?",
    "params": {
        "1": "TceModule",
        "2": "displayHomeEvent"
    "types": {
        "1": 2,
        "2": 2
DEBUG 16:57:48 doctrine Executing statement: SELECT h0_.id AS id_0, h0_.name AS name_1, h0_.classname AS classname_2, h0_.position AS position_3, h0_.display_hook AS display_hook_4, h0_.module_id AS module_id_5 FROM hook h0_ INNER JOIN module m1_ ON h0_.module_id = m1_.id WHERE m1_.name = ? AND h0_.name = ? (parameters: {params}, types: {types})
    "sql": "SELECT h0_.id AS id_0, h0_.name AS name_1, h0_.classname AS classname_2, h0_.position AS position_3, h0_.display_hook AS display_hook_4, h0_.module_id AS module_id_5 FROM hook h0_ INNER JOIN module m1_ ON h0_.module_id = m1_.id WHERE m1_.name = ? AND h0_.name = ?",
    "params": {
        "1": "TceModule",
        "2": "displayHomeHeader"
    "types": {
        "1": 2,
        "2": 2
DEBUG 16:57:48 doctrine Executing statement: SELECT h0_.id AS id_0, h0_.name AS name_1, h0_.classname AS classname_2, h0_.position AS position_3, h0_.display_hook AS display_hook_4, h0_.module_id AS module_id_5 FROM hook h0_ INNER JOIN module m1_ ON h0_.module_id = m1_.id WHERE m1_.name = ? AND h0_.name = ? (parameters: {params}, types: {types})
    "sql": "SELECT h0_.id AS id_0, h0_.name AS name_1, h0_.classname AS classname_2, h0_.position AS position_3, h0_.display_hook AS display_hook_4, h0_.module_id AS module_id_5 FROM hook h0_ INNER JOIN module m1_ ON h0_.module_id = m1_.id WHERE m1_.name = ? AND h0_.name = ?",
    "params": {
        "1": "FlashInfo",
        "2": "displayHomeHeader"
    "types": {
        "1": 2,
        "2": 2
DEBUG 16:57:48 doctrine Executing statement: SELECT h0_.id AS id_0, h0_.name AS name_1, h0_.classname AS classname_2, h0_.position AS position_3, h0_.display_hook AS display_hook_4, h0_.module_id AS module_id_5 FROM hook h0_ INNER JOIN module m1_ ON h0_.module_id = m1_.id WHERE m1_.name = ? AND h0_.name = ? (parameters: {params}, types: {types})
    "sql": "SELECT h0_.id AS id_0, h0_.name AS name_1, h0_.classname AS classname_2, h0_.position AS position_3, h0_.display_hook AS display_hook_4, h0_.module_id AS module_id_5 FROM hook h0_ INNER JOIN module m1_ ON h0_.module_id = m1_.id WHERE m1_.name = ? AND h0_.name = ?",
    "params": {
        "1": "TceModule",
        "2": "displayHomeMedias"
    "types": {
        "1": 2,
        "2": 2
DEBUG 16:57:48 doctrine Executing statement: SELECT h0_.id AS id_0, h0_.name AS name_1, h0_.classname AS classname_2, h0_.position AS position_3, h0_.display_hook AS display_hook_4, h0_.module_id AS module_id_5 FROM hook h0_ INNER JOIN module m1_ ON h0_.module_id = m1_.id WHERE m1_.name = ? AND h0_.name = ? (parameters: {params}, types: {types})
    "sql": "SELECT h0_.id AS id_0, h0_.name AS name_1, h0_.classname AS classname_2, h0_.position AS position_3, h0_.display_hook AS display_hook_4, h0_.module_id AS module_id_5 FROM hook h0_ INNER JOIN module m1_ ON h0_.module_id = m1_.id WHERE m1_.name = ? AND h0_.name = ?",
    "params": {
        "1": "TceModule",
        "2": "displayNewsletter"
    "types": {
        "1": 2,
        "2": 2
DEBUG 16:57:48 doctrine Executing statement: SELECT h0_.id AS id_0, h0_.name AS name_1, h0_.classname AS classname_2, h0_.position AS position_3, h0_.display_hook AS display_hook_4, h0_.module_id AS module_id_5 FROM hook h0_ INNER JOIN module m1_ ON h0_.module_id = m1_.id WHERE m1_.name = ? AND h0_.name = ? (parameters: {params}, types: {types})
    "sql": "SELECT h0_.id AS id_0, h0_.name AS name_1, h0_.classname AS classname_2, h0_.position AS position_3, h0_.display_hook AS display_hook_4, h0_.module_id AS module_id_5 FROM hook h0_ INNER JOIN module m1_ ON h0_.module_id = m1_.id WHERE m1_.name = ? AND h0_.name = ?",
    "params": {
        "1": "FlashInfo",
        "2": "displayPageContent"
    "types": {
        "1": 2,
        "2": 2
DEBUG 16:57:48 doctrine Executing statement: SELECT h0_.id AS id_0, h0_.name AS name_1, h0_.classname AS classname_2, h0_.position AS position_3, h0_.display_hook AS display_hook_4, h0_.module_id AS module_id_5 FROM hook h0_ INNER JOIN module m1_ ON h0_.module_id = m1_.id WHERE m1_.name = ? AND h0_.name = ? (parameters: {params}, types: {types})
    "sql": "SELECT h0_.id AS id_0, h0_.name AS name_1, h0_.classname AS classname_2, h0_.position AS position_3, h0_.display_hook AS display_hook_4, h0_.module_id AS module_id_5 FROM hook h0_ INNER JOIN module m1_ ON h0_.module_id = m1_.id WHERE m1_.name = ? AND h0_.name = ?",
    "params": {
        "1": "TceModule",
        "2": "displayRelatedEvents"
    "types": {
        "1": 2,
        "2": 2
DEBUG 16:57:48 doctrine Executing statement: SELECT h0_.id AS id_0, h0_.name AS name_1, h0_.classname AS classname_2, h0_.position AS position_3, h0_.display_hook AS display_hook_4, h0_.module_id AS module_id_5 FROM hook h0_ INNER JOIN module m1_ ON h0_.module_id = m1_.id WHERE m1_.name = ? AND h0_.name = ? (parameters: {params}, types: {types})
    "sql": "SELECT h0_.id AS id_0, h0_.name AS name_1, h0_.classname AS classname_2, h0_.position AS position_3, h0_.display_hook AS display_hook_4, h0_.module_id AS module_id_5 FROM hook h0_ INNER JOIN module m1_ ON h0_.module_id = m1_.id WHERE m1_.name = ? AND h0_.name = ?",
    "params": {
        "1": "TceModule",
        "2": "displaySliderElement"
    "types": {
        "1": 2,
        "2": 2
DEBUG 16:57:48 doctrine Executing statement: SELECT t0.created_at AS created_at_1, t0.updated_at AS updated_at_2, t0.active AS active_3, t0.id AS id_4, t0.name AS name_5 FROM module t0 WHERE t0.id = ? (parameters: {params}, types: {types})
    "sql": "SELECT t0.created_at AS created_at_1, t0.updated_at AS updated_at_2, t0.active AS active_3, t0.id AS id_4, t0.name AS name_5 FROM module t0 WHERE t0.id = ?",
    "params": {
        "1": 31
    "types": {
        "1": 1
DEBUG 16:57:48 doctrine Executing statement: SELECT h0_.id AS id_0, h0_.name AS name_1, h0_.classname AS classname_2, h0_.position AS position_3, h0_.display_hook AS display_hook_4, h0_.module_id AS module_id_5 FROM hook h0_ INNER JOIN module m1_ ON h0_.module_id = m1_.id WHERE m1_.name = ? AND h0_.name = ? (parameters: {params}, types: {types})
    "sql": "SELECT h0_.id AS id_0, h0_.name AS name_1, h0_.classname AS classname_2, h0_.position AS position_3, h0_.display_hook AS display_hook_4, h0_.module_id AS module_id_5 FROM hook h0_ INNER JOIN module m1_ ON h0_.module_id = m1_.id WHERE m1_.name = ? AND h0_.name = ?",
    "params": {
        "1": "SocialNetwork",
        "2": "displaySocialNetwork"
    "types": {
        "1": 2,
        "2": 2
DEBUG 16:57:48 doctrine Executing statement: SELECT h0_.id AS id_0, h0_.name AS name_1, h0_.classname AS classname_2, h0_.position AS position_3, h0_.display_hook AS display_hook_4, h0_.module_id AS module_id_5 FROM hook h0_ INNER JOIN module m1_ ON h0_.module_id = m1_.id WHERE m1_.name = ? AND h0_.name = ? (parameters: {params}, types: {types})
    "sql": "SELECT h0_.id AS id_0, h0_.name AS name_1, h0_.classname AS classname_2, h0_.position AS position_3, h0_.display_hook AS display_hook_4, h0_.module_id AS module_id_5 FROM hook h0_ INNER JOIN module m1_ ON h0_.module_id = m1_.id WHERE m1_.name = ? AND h0_.name = ?",
    "params": {
        "1": "TceModule",
        "2": "TagSaved"
    "types": {
        "1": 2,
        "2": 2
DEBUG 16:57:48 doctrine Executing statement: SELECT t0.created_at AS created_at_1, t0.updated_at AS updated_at_2, t0.active AS active_3, t0.id AS id_4, t0.name AS name_5 FROM module t0 WHERE t0.id = ? (parameters: {params}, types: {types})
    "sql": "SELECT t0.created_at AS created_at_1, t0.updated_at AS updated_at_2, t0.active AS active_3, t0.id AS id_4, t0.name AS name_5 FROM module t0 WHERE t0.id = ?",
    "params": {
        "1": 46
    "types": {
        "1": 1
DEBUG 16:57:48 doctrine Executing statement: SELECT h0_.id AS id_0, h0_.name AS name_1, h0_.classname AS classname_2, h0_.position AS position_3, h0_.display_hook AS display_hook_4, h0_.module_id AS module_id_5 FROM hook h0_ INNER JOIN module m1_ ON h0_.module_id = m1_.id WHERE m1_.name = ? AND h0_.name = ? (parameters: {params}, types: {types})
    "sql": "SELECT h0_.id AS id_0, h0_.name AS name_1, h0_.classname AS classname_2, h0_.position AS position_3, h0_.display_hook AS display_hook_4, h0_.module_id AS module_id_5 FROM hook h0_ INNER JOIN module m1_ ON h0_.module_id = m1_.id WHERE m1_.name = ? AND h0_.name = ?",
    "params": {
        "1": "Secutix",
        "2": "TicketingValidated"
    "types": {
        "1": 2,
        "2": 2
DEBUG 16:57:48 doctrine Executing statement: SELECT h0_.id AS id_0, h0_.name AS name_1, h0_.classname AS classname_2, h0_.position AS position_3, h0_.display_hook AS display_hook_4, h0_.module_id AS module_id_5 FROM hook h0_ WHERE h0_.name = ? (parameters: {params}, types: {types})
    "sql": "SELECT h0_.id AS id_0, h0_.name AS name_1, h0_.classname AS classname_2, h0_.position AS position_3, h0_.display_hook AS display_hook_4, h0_.module_id AS module_id_5 FROM hook h0_ WHERE h0_.name = ?",
    "params": {
        "1": "ContentSaved"
    "types": {
        "1": 2
DEBUG 16:57:48 doctrine Executing statement: SELECT h0_.id AS id_0, h0_.name AS name_1, h0_.classname AS classname_2, h0_.position AS position_3, h0_.display_hook AS display_hook_4, h0_.module_id AS module_id_5 FROM hook h0_ WHERE h0_.name = ? (parameters: {params}, types: {types})
    "sql": "SELECT h0_.id AS id_0, h0_.name AS name_1, h0_.classname AS classname_2, h0_.position AS position_3, h0_.display_hook AS display_hook_4, h0_.module_id AS module_id_5 FROM hook h0_ WHERE h0_.name = ?",
    "params": {
        "1": "ContentTypeInstantiated"
    "types": {
        "1": 2
DEBUG 16:57:48 doctrine Executing statement: SELECT h0_.id AS id_0, h0_.name AS name_1, h0_.classname AS classname_2, h0_.position AS position_3, h0_.display_hook AS display_hook_4, h0_.module_id AS module_id_5 FROM hook h0_ WHERE h0_.name = ? (parameters: {params}, types: {types})
    "sql": "SELECT h0_.id AS id_0, h0_.name AS name_1, h0_.classname AS classname_2, h0_.position AS position_3, h0_.display_hook AS display_hook_4, h0_.module_id AS module_id_5 FROM hook h0_ WHERE h0_.name = ?",
    "params": {
        "1": "ContentTypeSaved"
    "types": {
        "1": 2
DEBUG 16:57:48 doctrine Executing statement: SELECT h0_.id AS id_0, h0_.name AS name_1, h0_.classname AS classname_2, h0_.position AS position_3, h0_.display_hook AS display_hook_4, h0_.module_id AS module_id_5 FROM hook h0_ WHERE h0_.name = ? (parameters: {params}, types: {types})
    "sql": "SELECT h0_.id AS id_0, h0_.name AS name_1, h0_.classname AS classname_2, h0_.position AS position_3, h0_.display_hook AS display_hook_4, h0_.module_id AS module_id_5 FROM hook h0_ WHERE h0_.name = ?",
    "params": {
        "1": "CustomerValidated"
    "types": {
        "1": 2
DEBUG 16:57:48 doctrine Executing statement: SELECT h0_.id AS id_0, h0_.name AS name_1, h0_.classname AS classname_2, h0_.position AS position_3, h0_.display_hook AS display_hook_4, h0_.module_id AS module_id_5 FROM hook h0_ WHERE h0_.name = ? (parameters: {params}, types: {types})
    "sql": "SELECT h0_.id AS id_0, h0_.name AS name_1, h0_.classname AS classname_2, h0_.position AS position_3, h0_.display_hook AS display_hook_4, h0_.module_id AS module_id_5 FROM hook h0_ WHERE h0_.name = ?",
    "params": {
        "1": "EventCategoryInstantiated"
    "types": {
        "1": 2
DEBUG 16:57:48 doctrine Executing statement: SELECT h0_.id AS id_0, h0_.name AS name_1, h0_.classname AS classname_2, h0_.position AS position_3, h0_.display_hook AS display_hook_4, h0_.module_id AS module_id_5 FROM hook h0_ WHERE h0_.name = ? (parameters: {params}, types: {types})
    "sql": "SELECT h0_.id AS id_0, h0_.name AS name_1, h0_.classname AS classname_2, h0_.position AS position_3, h0_.display_hook AS display_hook_4, h0_.module_id AS module_id_5 FROM hook h0_ WHERE h0_.name = ?",
    "params": {
        "1": "EventCategorySaved"
    "types": {
        "1": 2
DEBUG 16:57:48 doctrine Executing statement: SELECT h0_.id AS id_0, h0_.name AS name_1, h0_.classname AS classname_2, h0_.position AS position_3, h0_.display_hook AS display_hook_4, h0_.module_id AS module_id_5 FROM hook h0_ WHERE h0_.name = ? (parameters: {params}, types: {types})
    "sql": "SELECT h0_.id AS id_0, h0_.name AS name_1, h0_.classname AS classname_2, h0_.position AS position_3, h0_.display_hook AS display_hook_4, h0_.module_id AS module_id_5 FROM hook h0_ WHERE h0_.name = ?",
    "params": {
        "1": "EventCategoryValidated"
    "types": {
        "1": 2
DEBUG 16:57:48 doctrine Executing statement: SELECT h0_.id AS id_0, h0_.name AS name_1, h0_.classname AS classname_2, h0_.position AS position_3, h0_.display_hook AS display_hook_4, h0_.module_id AS module_id_5 FROM hook h0_ WHERE h0_.name = ? (parameters: {params}, types: {types})
    "sql": "SELECT h0_.id AS id_0, h0_.name AS name_1, h0_.classname AS classname_2, h0_.position AS position_3, h0_.display_hook AS display_hook_4, h0_.module_id AS module_id_5 FROM hook h0_ WHERE h0_.name = ?",
    "params": {
        "1": "EventSaved"
    "types": {
        "1": 2
DEBUG 16:57:48 doctrine Executing statement: SELECT h0_.id AS id_0, h0_.name AS name_1, h0_.classname AS classname_2, h0_.position AS position_3, h0_.display_hook AS display_hook_4, h0_.module_id AS module_id_5 FROM hook h0_ WHERE h0_.name = ? (parameters: {params}, types: {types})
    "sql": "SELECT h0_.id AS id_0, h0_.name AS name_1, h0_.classname AS classname_2, h0_.position AS position_3, h0_.display_hook AS display_hook_4, h0_.module_id AS module_id_5 FROM hook h0_ WHERE h0_.name = ?",
    "params": {
        "1": "EventValidated"
    "types": {
        "1": 2
DEBUG 16:57:48 doctrine Executing statement: SELECT h0_.id AS id_0, h0_.name AS name_1, h0_.classname AS classname_2, h0_.position AS position_3, h0_.display_hook AS display_hook_4, h0_.module_id AS module_id_5 FROM hook h0_ WHERE h0_.name = ? (parameters: {params}, types: {types})
    "sql": "SELECT h0_.id AS id_0, h0_.name AS name_1, h0_.classname AS classname_2, h0_.position AS position_3, h0_.display_hook AS display_hook_4, h0_.module_id AS module_id_5 FROM hook h0_ WHERE h0_.name = ?",
    "params": {
        "1": "ImageFormatInstantiated"
    "types": {
        "1": 2
DEBUG 16:57:48 doctrine Executing statement: SELECT h0_.id AS id_0, h0_.name AS name_1, h0_.classname AS classname_2, h0_.position AS position_3, h0_.display_hook AS display_hook_4, h0_.module_id AS module_id_5 FROM hook h0_ WHERE h0_.name = ? (parameters: {params}, types: {types})
    "sql": "SELECT h0_.id AS id_0, h0_.name AS name_1, h0_.classname AS classname_2, h0_.position AS position_3, h0_.display_hook AS display_hook_4, h0_.module_id AS module_id_5 FROM hook h0_ WHERE h0_.name = ?",
    "params": {
        "1": "LanguageSaved"
    "types": {
        "1": 2
DEBUG 16:57:49 doctrine Executing statement: SELECT h0_.id AS id_0, h0_.name AS name_1, h0_.classname AS classname_2, h0_.position AS position_3, h0_.display_hook AS display_hook_4, h0_.module_id AS module_id_5 FROM hook h0_ WHERE h0_.name = ? (parameters: {params}, types: {types})
    "sql": "SELECT h0_.id AS id_0, h0_.name AS name_1, h0_.classname AS classname_2, h0_.position AS position_3, h0_.display_hook AS display_hook_4, h0_.module_id AS module_id_5 FROM hook h0_ WHERE h0_.name = ?",
    "params": {
        "1": "LanguageValidated"
    "types": {
        "1": 2
DEBUG 16:57:49 doctrine Executing statement: SELECT h0_.id AS id_0, h0_.name AS name_1, h0_.classname AS classname_2, h0_.position AS position_3, h0_.display_hook AS display_hook_4, h0_.module_id AS module_id_5 FROM hook h0_ WHERE h0_.name = ? (parameters: {params}, types: {types})
    "sql": "SELECT h0_.id AS id_0, h0_.name AS name_1, h0_.classname AS classname_2, h0_.position AS position_3, h0_.display_hook AS display_hook_4, h0_.module_id AS module_id_5 FROM hook h0_ WHERE h0_.name = ?",
    "params": {
        "1": "MediaCategorySaved"
    "types": {
        "1": 2
DEBUG 16:57:49 doctrine Executing statement: SELECT h0_.id AS id_0, h0_.name AS name_1, h0_.classname AS classname_2, h0_.position AS position_3, h0_.display_hook AS display_hook_4, h0_.module_id AS module_id_5 FROM hook h0_ WHERE h0_.name = ? (parameters: {params}, types: {types})
    "sql": "SELECT h0_.id AS id_0, h0_.name AS name_1, h0_.classname AS classname_2, h0_.position AS position_3, h0_.display_hook AS display_hook_4, h0_.module_id AS module_id_5 FROM hook h0_ WHERE h0_.name = ?",
    "params": {
        "1": "MediaCategoryValidated"
    "types": {
        "1": 2
DEBUG 16:57:49 doctrine Executing statement: SELECT h0_.id AS id_0, h0_.name AS name_1, h0_.classname AS classname_2, h0_.position AS position_3, h0_.display_hook AS display_hook_4, h0_.module_id AS module_id_5 FROM hook h0_ WHERE h0_.name = ? (parameters: {params}, types: {types})
    "sql": "SELECT h0_.id AS id_0, h0_.name AS name_1, h0_.classname AS classname_2, h0_.position AS position_3, h0_.display_hook AS display_hook_4, h0_.module_id AS module_id_5 FROM hook h0_ WHERE h0_.name = ?",
    "params": {
        "1": "MediaInstantiated"
    "types": {
        "1": 2
DEBUG 16:57:49 doctrine Executing statement: SELECT h0_.id AS id_0, h0_.name AS name_1, h0_.classname AS classname_2, h0_.position AS position_3, h0_.display_hook AS display_hook_4, h0_.module_id AS module_id_5 FROM hook h0_ WHERE h0_.name = ? (parameters: {params}, types: {types})
    "sql": "SELECT h0_.id AS id_0, h0_.name AS name_1, h0_.classname AS classname_2, h0_.position AS position_3, h0_.display_hook AS display_hook_4, h0_.module_id AS module_id_5 FROM hook h0_ WHERE h0_.name = ?",
    "params": {
        "1": "MediaSaved"
    "types": {
        "1": 2
DEBUG 16:57:49 doctrine Executing statement: SELECT h0_.id AS id_0, h0_.name AS name_1, h0_.classname AS classname_2, h0_.position AS position_3, h0_.display_hook AS display_hook_4, h0_.module_id AS module_id_5 FROM hook h0_ WHERE h0_.name = ? (parameters: {params}, types: {types})
    "sql": "SELECT h0_.id AS id_0, h0_.name AS name_1, h0_.classname AS classname_2, h0_.position AS position_3, h0_.display_hook AS display_hook_4, h0_.module_id AS module_id_5 FROM hook h0_ WHERE h0_.name = ?",
    "params": {
        "1": "MenuEntrySaved"
    "types": {
        "1": 2
DEBUG 16:57:49 doctrine Executing statement: SELECT h0_.id AS id_0, h0_.name AS name_1, h0_.classname AS classname_2, h0_.position AS position_3, h0_.display_hook AS display_hook_4, h0_.module_id AS module_id_5 FROM hook h0_ WHERE h0_.name = ? (parameters: {params}, types: {types})
    "sql": "SELECT h0_.id AS id_0, h0_.name AS name_1, h0_.classname AS classname_2, h0_.position AS position_3, h0_.display_hook AS display_hook_4, h0_.module_id AS module_id_5 FROM hook h0_ WHERE h0_.name = ?",
    "params": {
        "1": "MenuEntryDeleted"
    "types": {
        "1": 2
DEBUG 16:57:49 doctrine Executing statement: SELECT h0_.id AS id_0, h0_.name AS name_1, h0_.classname AS classname_2, h0_.position AS position_3, h0_.display_hook AS display_hook_4, h0_.module_id AS module_id_5 FROM hook h0_ WHERE h0_.name = ? (parameters: {params}, types: {types})
    "sql": "SELECT h0_.id AS id_0, h0_.name AS name_1, h0_.classname AS classname_2, h0_.position AS position_3, h0_.display_hook AS display_hook_4, h0_.module_id AS module_id_5 FROM hook h0_ WHERE h0_.name = ?",
    "params": {
        "1": "PageSaved"
    "types": {
        "1": 2
DEBUG 16:57:49 doctrine Executing statement: SELECT h0_.id AS id_0, h0_.name AS name_1, h0_.classname AS classname_2, h0_.position AS position_3, h0_.display_hook AS display_hook_4, h0_.module_id AS module_id_5 FROM hook h0_ WHERE h0_.name = ? (parameters: {params}, types: {types})
    "sql": "SELECT h0_.id AS id_0, h0_.name AS name_1, h0_.classname AS classname_2, h0_.position AS position_3, h0_.display_hook AS display_hook_4, h0_.module_id AS module_id_5 FROM hook h0_ WHERE h0_.name = ?",
    "params": {
        "1": "PageInstantiated"
    "types": {
        "1": 2
DEBUG 16:57:49 doctrine Executing statement: SELECT h0_.id AS id_0, h0_.name AS name_1, h0_.classname AS classname_2, h0_.position AS position_3, h0_.display_hook AS display_hook_4, h0_.module_id AS module_id_5 FROM hook h0_ WHERE h0_.name = ? (parameters: {params}, types: {types})
    "sql": "SELECT h0_.id AS id_0, h0_.name AS name_1, h0_.classname AS classname_2, h0_.position AS position_3, h0_.display_hook AS display_hook_4, h0_.module_id AS module_id_5 FROM hook h0_ WHERE h0_.name = ?",
    "params": {
        "1": "ParameterValidated"
    "types": {
        "1": 2
DEBUG 16:57:49 doctrine Executing statement: SELECT h0_.id AS id_0, h0_.name AS name_1, h0_.classname AS classname_2, h0_.position AS position_3, h0_.display_hook AS display_hook_4, h0_.module_id AS module_id_5 FROM hook h0_ WHERE h0_.name = ? (parameters: {params}, types: {types})
    "sql": "SELECT h0_.id AS id_0, h0_.name AS name_1, h0_.classname AS classname_2, h0_.position AS position_3, h0_.display_hook AS display_hook_4, h0_.module_id AS module_id_5 FROM hook h0_ WHERE h0_.name = ?",
    "params": {
        "1": "ParameterSaved"
    "types": {
        "1": 2
DEBUG 16:57:49 doctrine Executing statement: SELECT h0_.id AS id_0, h0_.name AS name_1, h0_.classname AS classname_2, h0_.position AS position_3, h0_.display_hook AS display_hook_4, h0_.module_id AS module_id_5 FROM hook h0_ WHERE h0_.name = ? (parameters: {params}, types: {types})
    "sql": "SELECT h0_.id AS id_0, h0_.name AS name_1, h0_.classname AS classname_2, h0_.position AS position_3, h0_.display_hook AS display_hook_4, h0_.module_id AS module_id_5 FROM hook h0_ WHERE h0_.name = ?",
    "params": {
        "1": "ProductCategorySaved"
    "types": {
        "1": 2
DEBUG 16:57:49 doctrine Executing statement: SELECT h0_.id AS id_0, h0_.name AS name_1, h0_.classname AS classname_2, h0_.position AS position_3, h0_.display_hook AS display_hook_4, h0_.module_id AS module_id_5 FROM hook h0_ WHERE h0_.name = ? (parameters: {params}, types: {types})
    "sql": "SELECT h0_.id AS id_0, h0_.name AS name_1, h0_.classname AS classname_2, h0_.position AS position_3, h0_.display_hook AS display_hook_4, h0_.module_id AS module_id_5 FROM hook h0_ WHERE h0_.name = ?",
    "params": {
        "1": "ProductCategoryValidated"
    "types": {
        "1": 2
DEBUG 16:57:49 doctrine Executing statement: SELECT h0_.id AS id_0, h0_.name AS name_1, h0_.classname AS classname_2, h0_.position AS position_3, h0_.display_hook AS display_hook_4, h0_.module_id AS module_id_5 FROM hook h0_ WHERE h0_.name = ? (parameters: {params}, types: {types})
    "sql": "SELECT h0_.id AS id_0, h0_.name AS name_1, h0_.classname AS classname_2, h0_.position AS position_3, h0_.display_hook AS display_hook_4, h0_.module_id AS module_id_5 FROM hook h0_ WHERE h0_.name = ?",
    "params": {
        "1": "ProductValidated"
    "types": {
        "1": 2
DEBUG 16:57:49 doctrine Executing statement: SELECT h0_.id AS id_0, h0_.name AS name_1, h0_.classname AS classname_2, h0_.position AS position_3, h0_.display_hook AS display_hook_4, h0_.module_id AS module_id_5 FROM hook h0_ WHERE h0_.name = ? (parameters: {params}, types: {types})
    "sql": "SELECT h0_.id AS id_0, h0_.name AS name_1, h0_.classname AS classname_2, h0_.position AS position_3, h0_.display_hook AS display_hook_4, h0_.module_id AS module_id_5 FROM hook h0_ WHERE h0_.name = ?",
    "params": {
        "1": "RoomInstantiated"
    "types": {
        "1": 2
DEBUG 16:57:49 doctrine Executing statement: SELECT h0_.id AS id_0, h0_.name AS name_1, h0_.classname AS classname_2, h0_.position AS position_3, h0_.display_hook AS display_hook_4, h0_.module_id AS module_id_5 FROM hook h0_ WHERE h0_.name = ? (parameters: {params}, types: {types})
    "sql": "SELECT h0_.id AS id_0, h0_.name AS name_1, h0_.classname AS classname_2, h0_.position AS position_3, h0_.display_hook AS display_hook_4, h0_.module_id AS module_id_5 FROM hook h0_ WHERE h0_.name = ?",
    "params": {
        "1": "SeasonInstantiated"
    "types": {
        "1": 2
DEBUG 16:57:49 doctrine Executing statement: SELECT h0_.id AS id_0, h0_.name AS name_1, h0_.classname AS classname_2, h0_.position AS position_3, h0_.display_hook AS display_hook_4, h0_.module_id AS module_id_5 FROM hook h0_ WHERE h0_.name = ? (parameters: {params}, types: {types})
    "sql": "SELECT h0_.id AS id_0, h0_.name AS name_1, h0_.classname AS classname_2, h0_.position AS position_3, h0_.display_hook AS display_hook_4, h0_.module_id AS module_id_5 FROM hook h0_ WHERE h0_.name = ?",
    "params": {
        "1": "TicketingInstantiated"
    "types": {
        "1": 2
DEBUG 16:57:49 doctrine Executing statement: SELECT h0_.id AS id_0, h0_.name AS name_1, h0_.classname AS classname_2, h0_.position AS position_3, h0_.display_hook AS display_hook_4, h0_.module_id AS module_id_5 FROM hook h0_ WHERE h0_.name = ? (parameters: {params}, types: {types})
    "sql": "SELECT h0_.id AS id_0, h0_.name AS name_1, h0_.classname AS classname_2, h0_.position AS position_3, h0_.display_hook AS display_hook_4, h0_.module_id AS module_id_5 FROM hook h0_ WHERE h0_.name = ?",
    "params": {
        "1": "UrlValidated"
    "types": {
        "1": 2
DEBUG 16:57:49 doctrine Executing statement: SELECT h0_.id AS id_0, h0_.name AS name_1, h0_.classname AS classname_2, h0_.position AS position_3, h0_.display_hook AS display_hook_4, h0_.module_id AS module_id_5 FROM hook h0_ WHERE h0_.name = ? (parameters: {params}, types: {types})
    "sql": "SELECT h0_.id AS id_0, h0_.name AS name_1, h0_.classname AS classname_2, h0_.position AS position_3, h0_.display_hook AS display_hook_4, h0_.module_id AS module_id_5 FROM hook h0_ WHERE h0_.name = ?",
    "params": {
        "1": "UserInstantiated"
    "types": {
        "1": 2
DEBUG 16:57:49 doctrine Executing statement: SELECT h0_.id AS id_0, h0_.name AS name_1, h0_.classname AS classname_2, h0_.position AS position_3, h0_.display_hook AS display_hook_4, h0_.module_id AS module_id_5 FROM hook h0_ WHERE h0_.name = ? (parameters: {params}, types: {types})
    "sql": "SELECT h0_.id AS id_0, h0_.name AS name_1, h0_.classname AS classname_2, h0_.position AS position_3, h0_.display_hook AS display_hook_4, h0_.module_id AS module_id_5 FROM hook h0_ WHERE h0_.name = ?",
    "params": {
        "1": "UserValidated"
    "types": {
        "1": 2
DEBUG 16:57:49 doctrine Executing statement: SELECT p0_.id AS id_0, p0_.name AS name_1, p0_.type AS type_2, p0_.param_key AS param_key_3, p0_.param_value AS param_value_4, p0_.available_value AS available_value_5, p0_.validations AS validations_6, p0_.tab_name AS tab_name_7, p0_.block_name AS block_name_8, p0_.breakpoints_value AS breakpoints_value_9, p0_.general_parameter AS general_parameter_10 FROM parameter p0_ WHERE p0_.param_key = ? (parameters: {params}, types: {types})
    "sql": "SELECT p0_.id AS id_0, p0_.name AS name_1, p0_.type AS type_2, p0_.param_key AS param_key_3, p0_.param_value AS param_value_4, p0_.available_value AS available_value_5, p0_.validations AS validations_6, p0_.tab_name AS tab_name_7, p0_.block_name AS block_name_8, p0_.breakpoints_value AS breakpoints_value_9, p0_.general_parameter AS general_parameter_10 FROM parameter p0_ WHERE p0_.param_key = ?",
    "params": {
        "1": "core_use_ssl"
    "types": {
        "1": 2
DEBUG 16:57:49 doctrine Executing statement: SELECT p0_.id AS id_0, p0_.name AS name_1, p0_.type AS type_2, p0_.param_key AS param_key_3, p0_.param_value AS param_value_4, p0_.available_value AS available_value_5, p0_.validations AS validations_6, p0_.tab_name AS tab_name_7, p0_.block_name AS block_name_8, p0_.breakpoints_value AS breakpoints_value_9, p0_.general_parameter AS general_parameter_10 FROM parameter p0_ WHERE p0_.param_key = ? (parameters: {params}, types: {types})
    "sql": "SELECT p0_.id AS id_0, p0_.name AS name_1, p0_.type AS type_2, p0_.param_key AS param_key_3, p0_.param_value AS param_value_4, p0_.available_value AS available_value_5, p0_.validations AS validations_6, p0_.tab_name AS tab_name_7, p0_.block_name AS block_name_8, p0_.breakpoints_value AS breakpoints_value_9, p0_.general_parameter AS general_parameter_10 FROM parameter p0_ WHERE p0_.param_key = ?",
    "params": {
        "1": "core_website_host"
    "types": {
        "1": 2
DEBUG 16:57:49 doctrine Executing statement: SELECT p0_.id AS id_0, p0_.name AS name_1, p0_.type AS type_2, p0_.param_key AS param_key_3, p0_.param_value AS param_value_4, p0_.available_value AS available_value_5, p0_.validations AS validations_6, p0_.tab_name AS tab_name_7, p0_.block_name AS block_name_8, p0_.breakpoints_value AS breakpoints_value_9, p0_.general_parameter AS general_parameter_10 FROM parameter p0_ WHERE p0_.param_key = ? (parameters: {params}, types: {types})
    "sql": "SELECT p0_.id AS id_0, p0_.name AS name_1, p0_.type AS type_2, p0_.param_key AS param_key_3, p0_.param_value AS param_value_4, p0_.available_value AS available_value_5, p0_.validations AS validations_6, p0_.tab_name AS tab_name_7, p0_.block_name AS block_name_8, p0_.breakpoints_value AS breakpoints_value_9, p0_.general_parameter AS general_parameter_10 FROM parameter p0_ WHERE p0_.param_key = ?",
    "params": {
        "1": "core_new_website_host"
    "types": {
        "1": 2
DEBUG 16:57:49 doctrine Executing statement: SELECT p0_.id AS id_0, p0_.name AS name_1, p0_.type AS type_2, p0_.param_key AS param_key_3, p0_.param_value AS param_value_4, p0_.available_value AS available_value_5, p0_.validations AS validations_6, p0_.tab_name AS tab_name_7, p0_.block_name AS block_name_8, p0_.breakpoints_value AS breakpoints_value_9, p0_.general_parameter AS general_parameter_10 FROM parameter p0_ WHERE p0_.param_key = ? (parameters: {params}, types: {types})
    "sql": "SELECT p0_.id AS id_0, p0_.name AS name_1, p0_.type AS type_2, p0_.param_key AS param_key_3, p0_.param_value AS param_value_4, p0_.available_value AS available_value_5, p0_.validations AS validations_6, p0_.tab_name AS tab_name_7, p0_.block_name AS block_name_8, p0_.breakpoints_value AS breakpoints_value_9, p0_.general_parameter AS general_parameter_10 FROM parameter p0_ WHERE p0_.param_key = ?",
    "params": {
        "1": "core_website_host"
    "types": {
        "1": 2
DEBUG 16:57:49 doctrine Executing statement: SELECT r0_.created_at AS created_at_0, r0_.updated_at AS updated_at_1, r0_.active AS active_2, r0_.id AS id_3, r0_.redirect_type AS redirect_type_4, r0_.redirect_from AS redirect_from_5, r0_.redirect_to AS redirect_to_6 FROM redirection r0_ WHERE r0_.active = 1 AND r0_.redirect_from = ? ORDER BY r0_.created_at DESC (parameters: {params}, types: {types})
    "sql": "SELECT r0_.created_at AS created_at_0, r0_.updated_at AS updated_at_1, r0_.active AS active_2, r0_.id AS id_3, r0_.redirect_type AS redirect_type_4, r0_.redirect_from AS redirect_from_5, r0_.redirect_to AS redirect_to_6 FROM redirection r0_ WHERE r0_.active = 1 AND r0_.redirect_from = ? ORDER BY r0_.created_at DESC",
    "params": {
        "1": "/_profiler/7d1d04"
    "types": {
        "1": 2
DEBUG 16:57:49 event Notified event "kernel.request" to listener "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\EventListener\DebugHandlersListener::configure".
    "event": "kernel.request",
    "listener": "Symfony\\Component\\HttpKernel\\EventListener\\DebugHandlersListener::configure"
DEBUG 16:57:49 event Notified event "kernel.request" to listener "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\EventListener\ValidateRequestListener::onKernelRequest".
    "event": "kernel.request",
    "listener": "Symfony\\Component\\HttpKernel\\EventListener\\ValidateRequestListener::onKernelRequest"
DEBUG 16:57:49 event Notified event "kernel.request" to listener "FOS\RestBundle\EventListener\MimeTypeListener::onKernelRequest".
    "event": "kernel.request",
    "listener": "FOS\\RestBundle\\EventListener\\MimeTypeListener::onKernelRequest"
DEBUG 16:57:49 event Notified event "kernel.request" to listener "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\EventListener\SessionListener::onKernelRequest".
    "event": "kernel.request",
    "listener": "Symfony\\Component\\HttpKernel\\EventListener\\SessionListener::onKernelRequest"
DEBUG 16:57:49 event Notified event "kernel.request" to listener "App\EventSubscriber\Website\MaintenanceSubscriber::checkMaintenance".
    "event": "kernel.request",
    "listener": "App\\EventSubscriber\\Website\\MaintenanceSubscriber::checkMaintenance"
DEBUG 16:57:49 event Notified event "kernel.request" to listener "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\EventListener\LocaleListener::setDefaultLocale".
    "event": "kernel.request",
    "listener": "Symfony\\Component\\HttpKernel\\EventListener\\LocaleListener::setDefaultLocale"
DEBUG 16:57:49 event Notified event "kernel.request" to listener "FOS\RestBundle\EventListener\FormatListener::onKernelRequest".
    "event": "kernel.request",
    "listener": "FOS\\RestBundle\\EventListener\\FormatListener::onKernelRequest"
DEBUG 16:57:49 event Notified event "kernel.request" to listener "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\EventListener\RouterListener::onKernelRequest".
    "event": "kernel.request",
    "listener": "Symfony\\Component\\HttpKernel\\EventListener\\RouterListener::onKernelRequest"
DEBUG 16:57:49 event Notified event "kernel.request" to listener "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\EventListener\LocaleListener::onKernelRequest".
    "event": "kernel.request",
    "listener": "Symfony\\Component\\HttpKernel\\EventListener\\LocaleListener::onKernelRequest"
DEBUG 16:57:49 event Notified event "kernel.request" to listener "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\EventListener\LocaleAwareListener::onKernelRequest".
    "event": "kernel.request",
    "listener": "Symfony\\Component\\HttpKernel\\EventListener\\LocaleAwareListener::onKernelRequest"
DEBUG 16:57:49 event Notified event "kernel.request" to listener "FOS\RestBundle\EventListener\BodyListener::onKernelRequest".
    "event": "kernel.request",
    "listener": "FOS\\RestBundle\\EventListener\\BodyListener::onKernelRequest"
DEBUG 16:57:49 event Notified event "kernel.request" to listener "App\EventSubscriber\Admin\RequestSubscriber::onKernelRequest".
    "event": "kernel.request",
    "listener": "App\\EventSubscriber\\Admin\\RequestSubscriber::onKernelRequest"
DEBUG 16:57:49 event Notified event "kernel.request" to listener "Symfony\Bundle\SecurityBundle\Debug\TraceableFirewallListener::configureLogoutUrlGenerator".
    "event": "kernel.request",
    "listener": "Symfony\\Bundle\\SecurityBundle\\Debug\\TraceableFirewallListener::configureLogoutUrlGenerator"
DEBUG 16:57:49 event Notified event "kernel.request" to listener "Symfony\Bundle\SecurityBundle\Debug\TraceableFirewallListener::onKernelRequest".
    "event": "kernel.request",
    "listener": "Symfony\\Bundle\\SecurityBundle\\Debug\\TraceableFirewallListener::onKernelRequest"
DEBUG 16:57:49 event Notified event "kernel.request" to listener "App\EventSubscriber\Website\SSLSubscriber::checkSSL".
    "event": "kernel.request",
    "listener": "App\\EventSubscriber\\Website\\SSLSubscriber::checkSSL"
DEBUG 16:57:49 event Notified event "kernel.request" to listener "TicketFactory\Module\TceModule\EventSubscriber\Website\DomainSwitcherSubscriber::checkHost".
    "event": "kernel.request",
    "listener": "TicketFactory\\Module\\TceModule\\EventSubscriber\\Website\\DomainSwitcherSubscriber::checkHost"
DEBUG 16:57:49 event Notified event "kernel.request" to listener "TicketFactory\Module\Redirection\EventSubscriber\Website\RedirectionSubscriber::checkRedirections".
    "event": "kernel.request",
    "listener": "TicketFactory\\Module\\Redirection\\EventSubscriber\\Website\\RedirectionSubscriber::checkRedirections"
INFO 16:57:49 deprecation User Deprecated: Since symfony/validator 6.4: Method "Symfony\Component\Validator\ValidatorBuilder::setDoctrineAnnotationReader()" is deprecated without replacement.
    "exception": {}
DEBUG 16:57:49 event Notified event "kernel.controller" to listener "FOS\RestBundle\EventListener\ParamFetcherListener::onKernelController".
    "event": "kernel.controller",
    "listener": "FOS\\RestBundle\\EventListener\\ParamFetcherListener::onKernelController"
DEBUG 16:57:49 event Notified event "kernel.controller" to listener "Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\DataCollector\RouterDataCollector::onKernelController".
    "event": "kernel.controller",
    "listener": "Symfony\\Bundle\\FrameworkBundle\\DataCollector\\RouterDataCollector::onKernelController"
DEBUG 16:57:49 event Notified event "kernel.controller" to listener "Sensio\Bundle\FrameworkExtraBundle\EventListener\ControllerListener::onKernelController".
    "event": "kernel.controller",
    "listener": "Sensio\\Bundle\\FrameworkExtraBundle\\EventListener\\ControllerListener::onKernelController"
DEBUG 16:57:49 event Notified event "kernel.controller" to listener "Sensio\Bundle\FrameworkExtraBundle\EventListener\ParamConverterListener::onKernelController".
    "event": "kernel.controller",
    "listener": "Sensio\\Bundle\\FrameworkExtraBundle\\EventListener\\ParamConverterListener::onKernelController"
DEBUG 16:57:49 event Notified event "kernel.controller" to listener "Sensio\Bundle\FrameworkExtraBundle\EventListener\HttpCacheListener::onKernelController".
    "event": "kernel.controller",
    "listener": "Sensio\\Bundle\\FrameworkExtraBundle\\EventListener\\HttpCacheListener::onKernelController"
DEBUG 16:57:49 event Notified event "kernel.controller" to listener "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\DataCollector\RequestDataCollector::onKernelController".
    "event": "kernel.controller",
    "listener": "Symfony\\Component\\HttpKernel\\DataCollector\\RequestDataCollector::onKernelController"
DEBUG 16:57:49 event Notified event "kernel.controller" to listener "Sensio\Bundle\FrameworkExtraBundle\EventListener\TemplateListener::onKernelController".
    "event": "kernel.controller",
    "listener": "Sensio\\Bundle\\FrameworkExtraBundle\\EventListener\\TemplateListener::onKernelController"
DEBUG 16:57:49 event Notified event "kernel.controller_arguments" to listener "Symfony\Component\Security\Http\EventListener\IsGrantedAttributeListener::onKernelControllerArguments".
    "event": "kernel.controller_arguments",
    "listener": "Symfony\\Component\\Security\\Http\\EventListener\\IsGrantedAttributeListener::onKernelControllerArguments"
DEBUG 16:57:49 event Notified event "kernel.controller_arguments" to listener "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\EventListener\CacheAttributeListener::onKernelControllerArguments".
    "event": "kernel.controller_arguments",
    "listener": "Symfony\\Component\\HttpKernel\\EventListener\\CacheAttributeListener::onKernelControllerArguments"
DEBUG 16:57:49 event Notified event "kernel.controller_arguments" to listener "Sensio\Bundle\FrameworkExtraBundle\EventListener\SecurityListener::onKernelControllerArguments".
    "event": "kernel.controller_arguments",
    "listener": "Sensio\\Bundle\\FrameworkExtraBundle\\EventListener\\SecurityListener::onKernelControllerArguments"
DEBUG 16:57:49 event Notified event "kernel.controller_arguments" to listener "Sensio\Bundle\FrameworkExtraBundle\EventListener\IsGrantedListener::onKernelControllerArguments".
    "event": "kernel.controller_arguments",
    "listener": "Sensio\\Bundle\\FrameworkExtraBundle\\EventListener\\IsGrantedListener::onKernelControllerArguments"
DEBUG 16:57:49 event Notified event "kernel.controller_arguments" to listener "ContainerIS4GmmG\RequestPayloadValueResolverGhost3590451::onKernelControllerArguments".
    "event": "kernel.controller_arguments",
    "listener": "ContainerIS4GmmG\\RequestPayloadValueResolverGhost3590451::onKernelControllerArguments"
DEBUG 16:57:49 event Notified event "kernel.controller_arguments" to listener "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\EventListener\ErrorListener::onControllerArguments".
    "event": "kernel.controller_arguments",
    "listener": "Symfony\\Component\\HttpKernel\\EventListener\\ErrorListener::onControllerArguments"
CRITICAL 16:57:50 php Fatal Error: Allowed memory size of 134217728 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 1449984 bytes)
    "exception": {}
CRITICAL 16:57:50 request Uncaught PHP Exception Symfony\Component\ErrorHandler\Error\OutOfMemoryError: "Error: Allowed memory size of 134217728 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 1449984 bytes)" at FileProfilerStorage.php line 316
    "exception": {}
DEBUG 16:57:50 doctrine Executing statement: SELECT p0_.id AS id_0, p0_.name AS name_1, p0_.type AS type_2, p0_.param_key AS param_key_3, p0_.param_value AS param_value_4, p0_.available_value AS available_value_5, p0_.validations AS validations_6, p0_.tab_name AS tab_name_7, p0_.block_name AS block_name_8, p0_.breakpoints_value AS breakpoints_value_9, p0_.general_parameter AS general_parameter_10 FROM parameter p0_ WHERE p0_.param_key = ? (parameters: {params}, types: {types})
    "sql": "SELECT p0_.id AS id_0, p0_.name AS name_1, p0_.type AS type_2, p0_.param_key AS param_key_3, p0_.param_value AS param_value_4, p0_.available_value AS available_value_5, p0_.validations AS validations_6, p0_.tab_name AS tab_name_7, p0_.block_name AS block_name_8, p0_.breakpoints_value AS breakpoints_value_9, p0_.general_parameter AS general_parameter_10 FROM parameter p0_ WHERE p0_.param_key = ?",
    "params": {
        "1": "core_use_ssl"
    "types": {
        "1": 2
DEBUG 16:57:50 doctrine Executing statement: SELECT p0_.id AS id_0, p0_.name AS name_1, p0_.type AS type_2, p0_.param_key AS param_key_3, p0_.param_value AS param_value_4, p0_.available_value AS available_value_5, p0_.validations AS validations_6, p0_.tab_name AS tab_name_7, p0_.block_name AS block_name_8, p0_.breakpoints_value AS breakpoints_value_9, p0_.general_parameter AS general_parameter_10 FROM parameter p0_ WHERE p0_.param_key = ? (parameters: {params}, types: {types})
    "sql": "SELECT p0_.id AS id_0, p0_.name AS name_1, p0_.type AS type_2, p0_.param_key AS param_key_3, p0_.param_value AS param_value_4, p0_.available_value AS available_value_5, p0_.validations AS validations_6, p0_.tab_name AS tab_name_7, p0_.block_name AS block_name_8, p0_.breakpoints_value AS breakpoints_value_9, p0_.general_parameter AS general_parameter_10 FROM parameter p0_ WHERE p0_.param_key = ?",
    "params": {
        "1": "core_website_host"
    "types": {
        "1": 2
DEBUG 16:57:50 doctrine Executing statement: SELECT p0_.id AS id_0, p0_.name AS name_1, p0_.type AS type_2, p0_.param_key AS param_key_3, p0_.param_value AS param_value_4, p0_.available_value AS available_value_5, p0_.validations AS validations_6, p0_.tab_name AS tab_name_7, p0_.block_name AS block_name_8, p0_.breakpoints_value AS breakpoints_value_9, p0_.general_parameter AS general_parameter_10 FROM parameter p0_ WHERE p0_.param_key = ? (parameters: {params}, types: {types})
    "sql": "SELECT p0_.id AS id_0, p0_.name AS name_1, p0_.type AS type_2, p0_.param_key AS param_key_3, p0_.param_value AS param_value_4, p0_.available_value AS available_value_5, p0_.validations AS validations_6, p0_.tab_name AS tab_name_7, p0_.block_name AS block_name_8, p0_.breakpoints_value AS breakpoints_value_9, p0_.general_parameter AS general_parameter_10 FROM parameter p0_ WHERE p0_.param_key = ?",
    "params": {
        "1": "core_new_website_host"
    "types": {
        "1": 2
DEBUG 16:57:50 doctrine Executing statement: SELECT p0_.id AS id_0, p0_.name AS name_1, p0_.type AS type_2, p0_.param_key AS param_key_3, p0_.param_value AS param_value_4, p0_.available_value AS available_value_5, p0_.validations AS validations_6, p0_.tab_name AS tab_name_7, p0_.block_name AS block_name_8, p0_.breakpoints_value AS breakpoints_value_9, p0_.general_parameter AS general_parameter_10 FROM parameter p0_ WHERE p0_.param_key = ? (parameters: {params}, types: {types})
    "sql": "SELECT p0_.id AS id_0, p0_.name AS name_1, p0_.type AS type_2, p0_.param_key AS param_key_3, p0_.param_value AS param_value_4, p0_.available_value AS available_value_5, p0_.validations AS validations_6, p0_.tab_name AS tab_name_7, p0_.block_name AS block_name_8, p0_.breakpoints_value AS breakpoints_value_9, p0_.general_parameter AS general_parameter_10 FROM parameter p0_ WHERE p0_.param_key = ?",
    "params": {
        "1": "core_website_host"
    "types": {
        "1": 2
DEBUG 16:57:50 event Notified event "kernel.request" to listener "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\EventListener\DebugHandlersListener::configure".
    "event": "kernel.request",
    "listener": "Symfony\\Component\\HttpKernel\\EventListener\\DebugHandlersListener::configure"
DEBUG 16:57:50 event Notified event "kernel.request" to listener "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\EventListener\ValidateRequestListener::onKernelRequest".
    "event": "kernel.request",
    "listener": "Symfony\\Component\\HttpKernel\\EventListener\\ValidateRequestListener::onKernelRequest"
DEBUG 16:57:50 event Notified event "kernel.request" to listener "FOS\RestBundle\EventListener\MimeTypeListener::onKernelRequest".
    "event": "kernel.request",
    "listener": "FOS\\RestBundle\\EventListener\\MimeTypeListener::onKernelRequest"
DEBUG 16:57:50 event Notified event "kernel.request" to listener "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\EventListener\SessionListener::onKernelRequest".
    "event": "kernel.request",
    "listener": "Symfony\\Component\\HttpKernel\\EventListener\\SessionListener::onKernelRequest"
DEBUG 16:57:50 event Notified event "kernel.request" to listener "App\EventSubscriber\Website\MaintenanceSubscriber::checkMaintenance".
    "event": "kernel.request",
    "listener": "App\\EventSubscriber\\Website\\MaintenanceSubscriber::checkMaintenance"
DEBUG 16:57:50 event Notified event "kernel.request" to listener "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\EventListener\LocaleListener::setDefaultLocale".
    "event": "kernel.request",
    "listener": "Symfony\\Component\\HttpKernel\\EventListener\\LocaleListener::setDefaultLocale"
DEBUG 16:57:50 event Notified event "kernel.request" to listener "FOS\RestBundle\EventListener\FormatListener::onKernelRequest".
    "event": "kernel.request",
    "listener": "FOS\\RestBundle\\EventListener\\FormatListener::onKernelRequest"
DEBUG 16:57:50 event Notified event "kernel.request" to listener "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\EventListener\RouterListener::onKernelRequest".
    "event": "kernel.request",
    "listener": "Symfony\\Component\\HttpKernel\\EventListener\\RouterListener::onKernelRequest"
DEBUG 16:57:50 event Notified event "kernel.request" to listener "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\EventListener\LocaleListener::onKernelRequest".
    "event": "kernel.request",
    "listener": "Symfony\\Component\\HttpKernel\\EventListener\\LocaleListener::onKernelRequest"
DEBUG 16:57:50 event Notified event "kernel.request" to listener "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\EventListener\LocaleAwareListener::onKernelRequest".
    "event": "kernel.request",
    "listener": "Symfony\\Component\\HttpKernel\\EventListener\\LocaleAwareListener::onKernelRequest"
DEBUG 16:57:50 event Notified event "kernel.request" to listener "FOS\RestBundle\EventListener\BodyListener::onKernelRequest".
    "event": "kernel.request",
    "listener": "FOS\\RestBundle\\EventListener\\BodyListener::onKernelRequest"
DEBUG 16:57:50 event Notified event "kernel.request" to listener "App\EventSubscriber\Admin\RequestSubscriber::onKernelRequest".
    "event": "kernel.request",
    "listener": "App\\EventSubscriber\\Admin\\RequestSubscriber::onKernelRequest"
DEBUG 16:57:50 event Notified event "kernel.request" to listener "Symfony\Bundle\SecurityBundle\Debug\TraceableFirewallListener::configureLogoutUrlGenerator".
    "event": "kernel.request",
    "listener": "Symfony\\Bundle\\SecurityBundle\\Debug\\TraceableFirewallListener::configureLogoutUrlGenerator"
DEBUG 16:57:50 event Notified event "kernel.request" to listener "Symfony\Bundle\SecurityBundle\Debug\TraceableFirewallListener::onKernelRequest".
    "event": "kernel.request",
    "listener": "Symfony\\Bundle\\SecurityBundle\\Debug\\TraceableFirewallListener::onKernelRequest"
DEBUG 16:57:50 event Notified event "kernel.request" to listener "App\EventSubscriber\Website\SSLSubscriber::checkSSL".
    "event": "kernel.request",
    "listener": "App\\EventSubscriber\\Website\\SSLSubscriber::checkSSL"
DEBUG 16:57:50 event Notified event "kernel.request" to listener "TicketFactory\Module\TceModule\EventSubscriber\Website\DomainSwitcherSubscriber::checkHost".
    "event": "kernel.request",
    "listener": "TicketFactory\\Module\\TceModule\\EventSubscriber\\Website\\DomainSwitcherSubscriber::checkHost"
DEBUG 16:57:50 event Notified event "kernel.request" to listener "TicketFactory\Module\Redirection\EventSubscriber\Website\RedirectionSubscriber::checkRedirections".
    "event": "kernel.request",
    "listener": "TicketFactory\\Module\\Redirection\\EventSubscriber\\Website\\RedirectionSubscriber::checkRedirections"
INFO 16:57:50 deprecation User Deprecated: Since symfony/serializer 6.4: Passing a "Doctrine\Common\Annotations\PsrCachedReader" instance as argument 1 to "Symfony\Component\Serializer\Mapping\Loader\AttributeLoader::__construct()" is deprecated, pass null or omit the parameter instead.
    "exception": {}
DEBUG 16:57:50 event Notified event "kernel.controller" to listener "FOS\RestBundle\EventListener\ParamFetcherListener::onKernelController".
    "event": "kernel.controller",
    "listener": "FOS\\RestBundle\\EventListener\\ParamFetcherListener::onKernelController"
DEBUG 16:57:50 event Notified event "kernel.controller" to listener "Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\DataCollector\RouterDataCollector::onKernelController".
    "event": "kernel.controller",
    "listener": "Symfony\\Bundle\\FrameworkBundle\\DataCollector\\RouterDataCollector::onKernelController"
DEBUG 16:57:50 event Notified event "kernel.controller" to listener "Sensio\Bundle\FrameworkExtraBundle\EventListener\ControllerListener::onKernelController".
    "event": "kernel.controller",
    "listener": "Sensio\\Bundle\\FrameworkExtraBundle\\EventListener\\ControllerListener::onKernelController"
DEBUG 16:57:50 event Notified event "kernel.controller" to listener "Sensio\Bundle\FrameworkExtraBundle\EventListener\ParamConverterListener::onKernelController".
    "event": "kernel.controller",
    "listener": "Sensio\\Bundle\\FrameworkExtraBundle\\EventListener\\ParamConverterListener::onKernelController"
DEBUG 16:57:50 event Notified event "kernel.controller" to listener "Sensio\Bundle\FrameworkExtraBundle\EventListener\HttpCacheListener::onKernelController".
    "event": "kernel.controller",
    "listener": "Sensio\\Bundle\\FrameworkExtraBundle\\EventListener\\HttpCacheListener::onKernelController"
DEBUG 16:57:50 event Notified event "kernel.controller" to listener "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\DataCollector\RequestDataCollector::onKernelController".
    "event": "kernel.controller",
    "listener": "Symfony\\Component\\HttpKernel\\DataCollector\\RequestDataCollector::onKernelController"
DEBUG 16:57:50 event Notified event "kernel.controller" to listener "Sensio\Bundle\FrameworkExtraBundle\EventListener\TemplateListener::onKernelController".
    "event": "kernel.controller",
    "listener": "Sensio\\Bundle\\FrameworkExtraBundle\\EventListener\\TemplateListener::onKernelController"
DEBUG 16:57:50 event Notified event "kernel.controller_arguments" to listener "Symfony\Component\Security\Http\EventListener\IsGrantedAttributeListener::onKernelControllerArguments".
    "event": "kernel.controller_arguments",
    "listener": "Symfony\\Component\\Security\\Http\\EventListener\\IsGrantedAttributeListener::onKernelControllerArguments"
DEBUG 16:57:50 event Notified event "kernel.controller_arguments" to listener "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\EventListener\CacheAttributeListener::onKernelControllerArguments".
    "event": "kernel.controller_arguments",
    "listener": "Symfony\\Component\\HttpKernel\\EventListener\\CacheAttributeListener::onKernelControllerArguments"
DEBUG 16:57:50 event Notified event "kernel.controller_arguments" to listener "Sensio\Bundle\FrameworkExtraBundle\EventListener\SecurityListener::onKernelControllerArguments".
    "event": "kernel.controller_arguments",
    "listener": "Sensio\\Bundle\\FrameworkExtraBundle\\EventListener\\SecurityListener::onKernelControllerArguments"
DEBUG 16:57:50 event Notified event "kernel.controller_arguments" to listener "Sensio\Bundle\FrameworkExtraBundle\EventListener\IsGrantedListener::onKernelControllerArguments".
    "event": "kernel.controller_arguments",
    "listener": "Sensio\\Bundle\\FrameworkExtraBundle\\EventListener\\IsGrantedListener::onKernelControllerArguments"
DEBUG 16:57:50 event Notified event "kernel.controller_arguments" to listener "ContainerIS4GmmG\RequestPayloadValueResolverGhost3590451::onKernelControllerArguments".
    "event": "kernel.controller_arguments",
    "listener": "ContainerIS4GmmG\\RequestPayloadValueResolverGhost3590451::onKernelControllerArguments"
DEBUG 16:57:50 event Notified event "kernel.controller_arguments" to listener "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\EventListener\ErrorListener::onControllerArguments".
    "event": "kernel.controller_arguments",
    "listener": "Symfony\\Component\\HttpKernel\\EventListener\\ErrorListener::onControllerArguments"

Stack Trace

Error: Allowed memory size of 134217728 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 1449984 bytes)

  at vendor/symfony/http-kernel/Profiler/FileProfilerStorage.php:316