Musical journey to Rameau
Les Siècles
François-Xavier Roth | direction
Rameau’s music conducted and narrated by François-Xavier Roth.
Excerpts from Rameau's works
Read the teatcher's guide
> Discovery workshops, videos
> Course in partnership with the Lagrange-Fleuret Library
CONTACTS (Monday to Friday 10am to 12pm - 2pm to 6pm)
> Schoolchildren 01 49 52 50 55
Discover French music by listening to the orchestra and to the conductor’s explanations for an hour, during the school day. As well as being a virtuoso harpsichord player and composer of operas, Rameau also possessed the expertise of a fully-fledged symphonic composer. This is clear in his use of woodwind and wind instruments, which is so brilliant and innovative that some see it as a forerunner of the symphonic poems of the Romantic era.
Coproduction Théâtre des Champs-Elysées | Les Siècles