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    Bertrand Chamayou | piano ...
    and friends... 

    A grand finale to celebrate the grande dame of music among friends.

    Photo de Bertrand Chamayou © Marco Borggreve
    Bertrand Chamayou © Marco Borggreve

    In charge of the grand finale of the 50th and final season of the Concerts du Dimanche Matin, Bertrand Chamayou, always well surrounded, is issuing invitations for a surprise anniversary whose programme and headliners will only be revealed on the day.
    One thing is certain: whether you're a regular or a newcomer, the audience will remember this special morning. See you at 11am... As it has been since 1975.  

    As a global ambassador for French piano-playing, Bertrand Chamayou performs recitals and concertos as well as collaborating with chamber groups. As the director of the grand finale of our Fiftieth Season, the pianist from Toulouse (who always keeps the best of company) is sending out invitations for a surprise birthday party whose programme and headline acts will only be revealed on the day. We can be sure of one thing: whether the guests be festival veterans or newcomers, the audience attending the party will never forget this very special morning. See you at 11am again, just like every year since 1975.

    Coréalisation Jeanine Roze Production | Théâtre des Champs-Elysées