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    Jerusalem Quartet

    The Jerusalem Quartet embarks on an epic journey from Haydn to Shostakovich.

    Photo du Quatuor de Jérusalem © Felix Broede
    Quatuor de Jérusalem © Felix Broede

    Haydn Quartet op. 50 No. 1 Hob.III:44 "Prussian Quartet
    Mozart Quartet No. 19 K. 465 «Dissonances»
    Shostakovich Quartet No. 12 Op. 133 

     Young audience workshops  Atelier Si Noël m’était conté... (4-6 years old)

    The quartet’s sixteen strings are undoubtedly the richest on the contemporary chamber music stage. Founded in 1993, and reconfigured in 2010 when Amihai Grosz was recruited by the Berliner Philharmoniker and handed over the reins to Ori Kam, the Jerusalem Quartet continues the tradition of great twentieth-century quartets rather than follow the historicists when it comes to the classics. The magazine Diapason confirmed that as far as Mozart is concerned, they are “one of the best ensembles in the world in terms of both technical mastery and expressivity”. From Shostakovich’s body of work, which they have played in its entirety, they have selected String Quartet No. 12, that even as early as 1968 had a keen eye on Schoenberg’s twelve-note composition, without actually forsaking the conventions of tonal music. 

    Coréalisation Jeanine Roze Production | Théâtre des Champs-Elysées