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     Modigliani Quartet

    The Modigliani Quartet facilitates a conversation between Ravel and Beethoven.

    Photo du Quatuor Modigliani ©J érôme Bonnet
    Quatuor Modigliani ©J érôme Bonnet

    Ravel String Quartet
    Beethoven String Quartet No. 8 op. 59 No. 2 « Razumovsky » 

     Young audience workshops   Pizzicati et compagnie : le quatuor à cordes (7-10 years old)

    The Modigliani Quartet have a longstanding relationship with early Ravel, whom they always tackle with “gossamer brilliance” (The Guardian). By “early Ravel”, we mean the work of a late bloomer, uninhibited by the weight of history, who spontaneously launched his catalogue of chamber works with a string quartet. Although he dedicated the work to his “dear master”, there is little of Fauré in it. This early work retains a Debussy-like flavour, but is already a personal masterstroke. The other half of the programme features Beethoven. The modernity of his Opus 59 No. 2 shocked his contemporaries. “It’s not for you, it’s for the future,” retorted the self-assured composer. History, of course, proved him right

    Coréalisation Jeanine Roze Production | Théâtre des Champs-Elysées