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    Natalie Dessay | soprano
    Shani Diluka | piano
    Johnny Rasse | bird singer

    Two peculiar “warblers” and Shani Diluka at the keyboard for a morning of poetry.

    Photo de Natalie Dessay, Shani Diluka © Bernard Martinez
    Natalie Dessay, Shani Diluka © Bernard Martinez

    Grieg  Lyrical pieces for piano
    Bird songs: nightingale, blackbird, great crested kinglet, swift chicken, herring gull
    Fauré, Ravel, Delibes, Chausson  Melodies for soprano and piano
    Bird songs: turtle dove, wood pigeon, oystercatcher, curlew, whimbrel, redshank, griffon vulture
    Debussy  Clair de lune, Estampes for piano
    Bird song: music thrush, robin, goldfinch, tawny owl
    Rimski-Korsakov, Berg, Villa-Lobos, Arden  Twentieth-century melodies for soprano and piano
    Bird songs: red kite, common buzzard, loon, grey heron, tree finch

    Natalie Dessay and Shani Diluka like to stray off the beaten track and have tried their hand together in the past at reading everything from Babar and Father Christmas to Proust on stage. Their associate this morning is sure to offer yet another original concert. Unusually, the title of the show does not refer to the high-pitched vocal exercises of the famous coloratura, but to the staggering virtuosity of Johnny Rasse, a unique performer who can “sing” every type of birdsong. From gulls at the Baie de Somme to the tweeting of a blackbird (his favourite), he can summon up some twenty species of bird to come and perch in the rigging of the Théâtre des Champs-Élysées, which will be transformed for an hour into a nature reserve. This is open-air poetry. 

    Coréalisation Jeanine Roze Production | Théâtre des Champs-Elysées