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    Raphaëlle Moreau | violin 
    Raphaël Sévère | clarinet
    Edgar Moreau | cello 
    David Kadouch | piano 

    A dazzling Beethoven-Messiaen counterpoint by a quartet of soloists working instinctively together.

    Photos de Raphaëlle Moreau © C; Azoulay, Raphaël Sévère - Droits réservés
    Raphaëlle Moreau © Jacky Azoulay, Raphaël Sévère - Droits réservés
    Photos de Edgar Moreau - Droits réservés , David Kadouch © Thomas Nowak
    Edgar Moreau - Droits réservés , David Kadouch © Thomas Nowak

    Beethoven Trio for piano, violin and cello No. 4 Op. 11 « Gassenhauer »
    Quatuor pour la Fin du Temps, for violin, clarinet, cello and piano 

    Last season, Edgar Moreau and David Kadouch paired Beethoven with Chopin. With Raphaëlle Moreau, they are revisiting Beethoven and the Gassenhauer, whose finale is a popular song from a fashionable opera which used to be whistled in the streets of Vienna. For the second half, we leap forward in time and change ambiance. Messiaen’s Quatuor pour la Fin du Temps, is an unusual formation. In 1914, the composer was forced to adapt to the circumstances in which he found himself, namely the camp at Görlitz in Silesia where he was detained as a prisoner of war. This masterpiece is explored by the expert clarinet of Raphaël Sévère “whose technique combines celebratory blasts of birdsong and metaphysical giddiness when confronted by time” (Diapason d’or, Choc de Classica). 

    Coréalisation Jeanine Roze Production | Théâtre des Champs-Elysées