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    The Magic Flute

    in music and mimodrama

    All the enchantment of Mozart’s Magic Flute minus the singing in a mimodrama version.

    Dessin de Matthew Corrigan, Alamy
    © Matthew Corrigan, Alamy

    Lionel Ménard | staging 
    Vanessa Vérillon | scenography 
    Sigrid Herfurth, Hanna Hamburger | sets, costumes, accessories
    Pit Ballini | lights 
    Quatuor Zaïde
    Bodecker et Neander | mime company

    Stage version with string quartet and mime company, 
    based on The Magic Flute by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart  

    In 2019, the Zaïde Quartet had the first option on an anonymous arrangement of Mozart’s last opera which was discovered by chance in an antique shop. “When you listen to this version, what is striking and apparent is that the music is still just as articulate even without the libretto; not one scrap of eloquence is lost from these arias when they are sung by string instruments,” claim the performers. To stimulate the eyes and the imagination, the company directed by Wolfram von Bodecker and Alexander Neander, both disciples of mime artist Marcel Marceau, will delight young and old alike without uttering a syllable. We guarantee you will be enchanted. 

    Coréalisation Jeanine Roze Production | Théâtre des Champs-Elysées