
Giulio Cesare in Egitto

George Frideric Handel

One of the composer’s most accomplished works, in which the power of love reigns supreme, is served up here by a top-flight team.

Cecilia Bartoli
Cecilia Bartoli © Fabrice Demessence
Carlo Vistoli
Carlo Vistoli © Nicola Allegri
Gianluca Capuano
Gianluca Capuano © OMC

Cecilia Bartoli | Cleopatra
Carlo Vistoli | Giulio Cesare
Sara Mingardo | Cornelia
Max Emanuel Cenčić | Tolomeo
José Coca Loza | Achilla
Kangmin Justin Kim | Sesto

Gianluca Capuano | direction
Les Musiciens du Prince-Monaco

Giulio Cesare is undoubtedly one of Handel’s finest works, but it is more than just a historical portrayal; the main focus is love. Whereas in most operas political clashes thwart the expression of love and other passions, here, various matters of State prompt the emergence and development of the tenderest feelings. The librettist delights in placing ever more obstacles in the path of love, and Handel responds with some of his finest arias. A dream team experienced in working with this type of repertoire has been assembled to bring you an ode to love with panache and verve.

Coproduction Théâtre des Champs-Elysées | Céleste Productions – Les Grandes Voix
En accord avec l’Opéra de Monte-Carlo

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